LOGOS 2018




The term Logos, transliterated from classical Greek (λόγος), represents logical thought expressed through rational discourse. In philosophical thought, it has taken on different meanings such as rationality for Plato, logical reasoning for Aristotle, and intellect for Plotinus. To produce our Logos, we chose a great grape variety, the Incrocio Manzoni, which is a cross between Riesling and Pinot Bianco, grown through regenerative agriculture, which improves soils and introduces ancient vineyard practices.


• Grapes: Autochthonous grape variety grown through regenerative agriculture, aimed at improving soils by increasing the organic matter present in them, pursuing a different idea of viticulture, with the reintroduction of ancient vineyard practices.

• Winemaking:The must ferments for 15 days, staying in contact with about 20% of the skins. Then there is a year of aging in cement barrels and an additional year in the bottle.

• Tasting Notes: Al naso ha profumi di fiori gialli, dente di leone, ginestra, frutta tra pera e albicocca, mela, si percepiscono note di erbe aromatiche, salvia e timo, spezie tra cui il pepe bianco. In bocca entra fresco e abbastanza sapido, pulito, elegante e setoso con una nota di morbidezza, ma che non è ancora totalmente a pieno, abbastanza rotondo; lunga persistenza di sapori e aromi retro nasali. Lasciandolo ossigenare nel bicchiere esce una nota di banana, leggera tostatura, caffè e nocciola.

• Serving temperature: 10-12°